Hobby and favorite TV serie


Hi everyone, one of my favorites hobbys are watch TV series and movies. My prefer genre is scienc fiction, specially about dystipian realitys. I enjoy to watch series while I eat something tasty.  I became a fan of TV series during the pandemic, because I couldn't get out. I saw many series in different platforms like Netflix, Disney Plus and Paramount Plus. The greatest series I've seen is The Handmaid's Tale. I think is a high impact and very tense serie. 

The Handmaid's Tale is an american dystopian television serie, based on the novel of this same name by Canadian author Margaret Atwood. The plot is about a religious totalitarism that enslaves fertile women at the service of gentry of the society. For a coup, United States happens to be "Gilead", a new nation which bases its laws on the old testament. Gilead establishes a patriarchal, homophobic, totalitarian and misogenic order. Is a horrible society and moment to live, but the interesting is the resistance of dissidents and womens. 
