Interesting page on Instagram

I visit a social media platform frecuently that I would like to write about. The platform is an Instagram account called "unsociólogovegano." It focuses on various topics related to veganism, including vegan ethics, the social and environmental impacts of omnivorous diets, and animal suffering, among others. I appreciate this account because each post is properly referenced with specialized scientific bibliography, allowing me to learn a great deal from the cited studies. I was introduced to this page by my boyfriend, and as I delved into the research papers, I reflected on the geographic scope of the analyses stemming from veganism. As a vegan and geographer, I'm interested in conducting  studied that approach the field of new vegan geographies. I have an ambitius project, my objetive is to create a map of animal suffering in Chile, with the aim of bringing visibility to the xploited of every animal species. I think that could be good to sensitize the population regarding violent dynamics in livestock activity. Also, like geographer I able to study the differents environment of this activity in the territory.

Finally, I use social media like informative platform. Generally, I inform myself with differents toppics that are interesting for me.
