One of my favorite songs

I'm going to write a song that I love. The song is called "Why's it so hard" and was composed by Shep Pettibone, Tony Shimkin and Madonna, who also performs it. 
It is the twenty-first song on the album Erotica (1992), Madonna's fifth studio album. 
I like this song because its lyrics are beautiful and ahead of its time. It talk about love, acceptance and respect dedicated to the LGBT+ community. 
The song begins with the verse: 
                        "Why's it so hard to love one another"
And continue with some verses that ask: 
                        "¿What do i have to do to be accepted
                           What do i have to say
                            What do i have to do to be respected
                             What do i have to look like to feel I'm equal?"
This song highlight the existence of social groups that are excluted and marginalized from society due to sexual discrimination. 
On the other hand, Madonna delves into personal scale and talks about the suffering, pain and questions that LGBT people have, emphasizes in their feelings.
The lyrics also express anger against the social system that allows and endorses experiences of discrimination

Eventually, this song could be used for any social group in a context of marginalization, because these questions emanate from feelings of rejected corporalities who need to fight throughout their lives to be respected in their evrironment.

In this song Madonna invites us to love and express it. 

Here is a link to a live performance of this song in her "The Girlie Show World Tour"
