Some memories


The first photo is Atacama coastal desert landscape, Chile. The date of the photography is February 17, 2021. It was taken in a travel with two friends before a long walk. I was impressed with the beauty of the desert landscape. I feel in love with the desert when I visited it. I felt like in other planet. To visit this place we taken a "geoturism" tour, the tourist guide explained about geomorphological formation processe, where the main dynamic agent is the wind. Also, this landscape was modeled in a tropical climatic environment of abundat rainfall, that is in another climatic environment, different from the current one. Each time when I see this picture, I would like return to visit this place, because I was happy here and I have good memories from this travel.

She is Titita. She was my cat after picking her up from the street, she was with her little brothers and sisters in a bag. They were born a week ago. Titita was one of the survivors. I remember that she liked drink substitute milk (because her mother wasn't here) in a bottle, she could drink her bottle without my help, she taken the botle with her little legs and drink perfectly alone. She loved eat, that's why she was a fat cat from a very young age. She was so cute and pretty. In this photo, she is sleeping after drink her milk. I like this photo because she looks funny, happy and fat. I have very goods memories with her, because she spent a lot of time with me. I think that she chose me and not the other way around, because she was surly with all my family, except with me. Titita is my favorite cat forever.
